
¡Feliz año nuevo! Matt has already come and gone. He did finally make it to Granada on Christmas day. We had a fantastic time together. It was almost like we had not been apart for four months, so I am happy to say that I know we can make it another 6 or 7 months. I was not really worried but it´s good to have the reassurance. We spent a few days in Granada and really did not do much besides wander around and eat (big surprise). Then we went to Barcelona and we stayed at a B&B. It was a really nice place but it was kind of up a hill, maybe more than a little hill, haha. Matt was not to happy about that situation and had some super dramatic moments walking up, I am sure some of you can imagine. This time in Barcelona I went in the Sagrada Familia and I must say the inside is not very exciting considering it is almost completely filled with Europe´s favorite addition to it´s landmarks, scaffolding. I can´t believe they charge people to go in and see the inside, but on the one hand I know the money goes to the completion, with will not be for another 50 years. So I guess I am saying if you go to the Barcelona you don´t need to go in. We also went to the Picasso Museum and although I liked it more than Matt we both agreed the highlighted feature was a drawing of a man, holding a turkey, masturbating, and a turd hanging out of his ass. Quite interesting, I´d love to have a copy. We also meet up with Rooney in Barcelona, we are friends again, yeah!

From Barcelona we went to Paris. I forgot how crazy expensive Paris can be, like in most restaurants it´s 4-5 euros for a Coke. Maybe there is actually cocaine in the Coke in Paris and I don´t know about it, that would at least make the cost reasonable. My new year´s eve countdown was spent in a metro car. At least Matt and I had our own car so it was semi-romantic. We were on our way to the Eiffel Tower and were running a little late. We mad it and hung out and watched the lights go off. It was crazy crowded, but we found a bench to chill on that was away from the crowd. We actually got quite drunk, drunk enough where I lost my gloves and I was hungover as hell the next day. My first hangover in Europe, I guess the 11.6 % Amsterdam beer was not a good idea. We also went to the Lourve, Matt did not seem to like it so much and two trips have been enough for me. I did achieve my goal of finding a reasonably priced, good meal so I was happy about that (Thank you Rick Steves). Of course we had to go through a really bad over priced meal before we could find a good one.

We ended our trip in Madrid and I am still here. I actually like Madrid much more than I expected, although I did not get to go to the Prado (a museum) that I wanted to see because today is a holiday in Spain, The day of the Kings. Today is the day the Spanish exchange gifts and I am an ass and did not think about it when planning my time here. Yesterday I went to Segovia which is about an hour north of Madrid. It was really cool, but it rained all day so I walked around in the rain for 4 hours. I´m irritated with my poor planning, but I know I´ll be back here before I leave since I fly out of Madrid so I´ll make it to the museum eventually.

It´s been a little lonely since Matt has left, but tomorrow I am leaving with Egypt and will be thrown into a group of Spanish people that will have to be my friend whether they like it or not.
I met an American tool in my hostel yesterday. I went out with some hostel people and he was getting drunk American style, yelling, arms in the air, sad attempts at trying to pick up Spanish chicks, haha.
I am so behind on pictures. Expect loads when I return in a little over a week.
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