domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2007

Priceless Pablo

I think this is my favorite incident with Pablo thus far. Yesterday he was in my room annoying me and asking redundant questions about my computer. I have some pictures of Matt and I on my desk and on the desktop of my computer and he was noting the pictures and then asked me if Matt was embarrassed because his eyes are always closed. I almost died and could not stop laughing. I was very pleased above all that I was able to understand his priceless comment because it would have been such a waste if I did not understand what he said. I cannot wait until Matt and Pablo meet and I hope I understand whatever ridiculous things Pablo has to say to him, that is after he is done staring at him for a really long time. Anyway I explained why Matt's eyes are always closed but I am not sure if he understood even though they had an Asian live with them this past summer. I think Pablo is my favorite thing about Spain, haha.

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