My trip to Morocco was last weekend. It was really interesting, definitely a different world. Of course we had trouble getting there. The boats from southern Spain to Morocco are notorious for being cancelled or having "problems" and we of course encountered one of those problems. We missed the first boat then the next one got canceled. I booked the trip through a travel agent and I was very happy I did because she totally saved us. She was able to get us onto a bus to another port city near by and we were able to catch the boat from there. It was a long day with many annoyances but it's all apart of traveling. Upon getting off of our bus and going into the hotel we were met by a creeper so we had a proper welcome into the city. Our first day we took a tour of Tangier and of course one of the high lights was riding a camel. It was really funny, we just laughed like little girls the whole time. I have a video I will put up later, but I don't have my card reader at the moment.

Walking around Tangier is like going through an obstacle course of annoying men. There are men everywhere and we stuck out like sore thumbs so we were solicited at any and every moment. There are women, but most of them have there heads covered and wear big robes so the men are not so instead in that. We go called a bunch of different names and even had some very generous offers. Some highlighted comments: To many sweeties, Spice Girls, Sexy Ladies, There is a party on top of my bed (in Spanish), Do you like my jiggley wigglely?. One of my favorite things was getting chased by the guys trying to sell these annoying drums that no one seemed to want but they were determined to sell. Pretty much everyone in that city will do anything to make a buck and there are a lot of sketchy people, any favor is for money. Our tour guide even had deals with certain stores she took us too. She receives a piece of everything that we buy. There are also people wandering around at all times willing to help you at any moment, but of course if they take you to a store they expect a cut of what you buy from the owner. It's all very interesting.

The food in Morocco was great! It was probably some of the best food I have had since I have been here. First there was this amazing woman that made these crepe like things at our hotel and they were so good. The cous cous was great, not dry and gross. And I think I ate my favorite thing thus far called pastila (pictured above) It was a pastry like puff filled with chicken, almonds, curry, veggies, greatness, and powdered sugar on top. So unique and delicious!
We did take a day trip from Tangier to Chechaouene. It's about two hours into the country from Tangier. It was a lot more laid back there, still some harassment but not nearly as bad as Tangier. The city is really pretty, it is half white for the sun, and the bottom of the buildings are painted blue to keep out bad luck. (See picture above). I have to say overall I really enjoyed the trip to Morocco, it was different than anything I have done yet although I know my most unique trip is just around the corner.
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