I am not sure where to begin, but moving out last Sunday was probably one of the worst days I have had since I have left. That being said it really was not that bad so I can´t complain, I have been lucky. After thinking about it all week and playing what I was going to say over and over in my head I decided to tell Paqui that someone in the house had been stealing from me. Now my intention was to not mention that I had found items by searching because I knew that would not go over well, but through nerves and my instinct to defend my accusations it came out. When I first told her she looked at me like she could not believe it and that I was making this up. I told her about the test I set up with my bag and her come back was that she cleans my room. Well I said my bag was in my closet so there would be no need to touch it. I also left it half-zipped and it was all of the way zipped after the weekend so it was clear someone went in it. She continued to press and I eventually had to say that I had found some things outside of my room. I explained the position I was in and how I did not want to do it but I had to know because it was driving me crazy and in the end I was right.
She continued to ask my why I did not tell her before and I said I did not want to be in the house when she would discuss this issue. She could not understand this and clearly could not understand the least bit how I was feeling about being violated all year and that I did not want to live in a house for a week where I have accused people of stealing knowing that know one would admit to it. She asked who I thought it was and I just kept telling her I had know idea even though my thoughts were on Pablo. She then asked if I thought it was Maribel and I said I did not know. Then she asked what had happened with us and why we did not get along (I answered this knowing full well that Maribel had spilled some reason for not liking me to her). I told her I had no idea and that she had yelled at me a few times for no reason. Then she proceeded to tell me that Maribel does not like me because I talk about/to her boyfriend too much. At this point I just started laughing because I had never heard such a ridiculous thing in my life and laughing seemed to be the only thing I could do. Paqui did not like this very much, but I could not help it. I think I said hi and bye to him a handful of times because that is what I thought the polite thing to do was when you see someone and as far as talking about I asked where he worked and maybe if they were going to move in together some day. Basically she is more of a psycho than I had thought. Paqui seemed to be quite convinced that Maribel was behind this which is something I had honestly never thought of before, let´s be serious she is my age.
I then told her that I had found a thong in my suitcase that did not belong to me and that it had happened in the past but I did not think much of it until I started missing things. She told me that when the girls fight that is what they do. Ummmmm!??!?! That is weird and creepy. I have to suffer with someone thong among my things because that is how they fight. She asked to see it and I said I was mad at the time and threw it away. I could see this was going in a bad direction and wanted to get out of there soon. She then pressed me to see the things I had found and said she was going to ask the kids in front of me which is exactly what I told her I DID NOT want. I found a few things to show her (And looking back I don´t even know why I did this, I just should have said I´m done, to bad this happened, peace out.) I went to show the memory stick I had found and it was stolen again!!!! I told her that it was in my bag and not there anymore and she did not like that at all. She claimed that she was home and the boys went to the carnival and she was home when they got back. She was clearly mad I continued to accuse someone of taking my things in her presence (I had also told her about the tweezers which she again tried to defend saying she had seen them in the bathroom, but they were not mine. She also said that Maribel was out of town the night I said my tweezers were taken so that did not seem to make sense to her.)
Well against my wishes she asked everyone about robbing me, except Maribel because she was not home. Everyone denied it but Cristi did admit to putting the underwear in my suitcase. Weird. Anyway I had to stand there well everyone looked at me like I was an asshole and Pablo curiously walked away and left the room well Paqui was displaying some of the things that were taken. This was not fun.
In the end when no one admitted to it and she wanted to see the memory stick that I had found and could not find again she was angry, but not with her family, with me. She told me that what I had done was very wrong, and kept repeating it. At this point all I could do was block her out and continue to get my stuff ready to go. She told me she wanted me to leave the house immediately and thankfully my roommate was on his way to meet me.
So although I had been robbed and messed with all year I some how left the house as if I had done something very wrong. Unfortunately I can´t change what happened and I of course spent a lot of this week replaying Sunday and thinking of what I should have done to make things go over smoother. It may not have been right that I went to look for my things but at the moment and with a lot of anger and frustration I did not care if it was right or wrong and had to know if I was getting old and crazy or if someone was taking my stuff. I should not have told her I found things but I did and I think that gave her a reason to be angry with me and ignore the real issue at hand. I guess for any mother the fact that one of your children is stealing is not fun so I understand her need to be in denial but regardless of how I handled the situation I made a choice and should not have been reprimand for it like a child, especially since this choice was based on the wrong doings of someone else.
Needless to say there was no happy/loving goodbyes. Unfortunately I don´t think I´ll ever see or talk to any of them again which makes me a bit sad. I spent a lot of time in that house and with Paqui and it does hurt a bit to know that I´ll have to look back on the experience and remember how it ended.
On a much happier note all is going well in Moroccan Nation. I love my roommates and it feels good to not have to worry about telling someone where I was, where I am going, and if I will be home to eat, if I don´t feel like eating, etc. Kelly will also be in Granada on Tuesday and we are going to Ireland Wednesday night!! I can´t wait to see her and show her around.