I'm in Ireland right now! Kelly made it safely to Spain on Tuesday. I showed her a bit of the Spanish lifestyle with some tapas and then we went out with my roommates and had a great time. We left for Ireland on Wednesday. Well first we went to London, slept in the airport (because I love to do that) and then flew to Ireland the next morning. We were dead on Thursday but got through it. The weather has been amazingly nice out. I was prepared for a lot of rain and no sun but I actually got sun burned a bit which is something I would not expect from a trip to Ireland in May. But no complaints, it has been beautiful.
We spent a day in Galway and just walked around the city and to the coast. I must admit, it is nice walking down the street without people looking like you like you are a freak or alien which are the looks I get almost everyday in Spain. We were feeling cheap and made grilled cheeses at our hostel. I have stayed in quite a few hostels and most that have a kitchen usually have things like olive oil, salt, pepper, and spices for everyone to use. I saw that there was some olive oil so I used it and this asshole called me out in front of about 15 people. Apparently it was his, and if I had known that these items were not open season I would have asked around to use it. But there were no names on the items and it seemed similar to what I had seen in the past where everyone can use the basics. I guess I was just annoyed he did this in front of so many people and made me look like an dick.
We were really tired from our airport sleep but landed up going out and meeting some locals and Brits. Kelly got hit up hard-core by this guy from the UK while I was stuck with a creepy Irish man that might have married me on the spot if I had allowed it.
Sunburned in Ireland

The Guinness has been so good. Why is it so much better here??? The foam is the best part and after they poor a glass is sits for a few minutes until it turns all of the way dark. I love it! Expensive but worth it every time. Aside from Guinness being one of my favorite things, I am also loving all of the redheads I am seeing. I knew there would be redheads in Ireland, duh, but I did not realize there would be so many. So red and white. Chapman needs to come here.
Right now I am on an island off the coast of Galway. We biked the island yesterday and it was really pretty. It shows the simple way of life. Soon we are off to the Doolin to see the Cliffs of Moher and hear some authentic Irish music!

As far as things in Granada are going everything is great with my roommates. I'm getting a long really well there and having a lot of fun. I have not seen or heard from Paqui since I have left. I am feeling better about it since I have had some time to reflect and what not. I am still sad it happened but can move on, maybe learn from it.
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