sábado, 3 de mayo de 2008

Moving out

I'm in the middle of packing my things to move into Moroccan Nation tomorrow (I am living with three Moroccan guys). Packing is a pain in the ass but I think that I have enough room between my two suitcases. Thankfully Matt brought an extra suitcase when he came and I sent a whole bunch of stuff home with him. I'm a bit sad to be leaving Paqui's house for good. She has been really great to me and I have spent so much time here that it's weird to be leaving. Despite the fact that Pablo is taking my stuff and Maribel is the biggest bitch alive I will miss living here.

I have not seen Maribel in days. She has not been in the house at all and I am not sure why, but no complaints. I saw here for a few minutes yesterday and it seemed that she was crying when she left. I am sure she was crying because I am leaving and she is sad to see me go. In fact that is probably why she has not been home, she can't stand to see me knowing that I'll be moving out because she'll miss me so much. Poor thing.

As far as my things going missing, I have yet to tell Paqui. After thinking about it a while and I decided that I am going to tell her before I leave tomorrow. I think she needs to know and has to fix this issue before someone else moves into this house. I also realized yesterday that my tweezers were missing and that really made me angry considering I used them yesterday morning and when I returned last night I could not find them. I guess I did not think tweezers were something I had to hide but I guess I was wrong. Anyway it's ridiculous and needs to stop. I am not looking forward to telling her because I know she will believe me but she'll be so upset about it and I don't want to see that because it will make me sad.

It's weird but tomorrow around this time I'll be in my new home. Sad and happy.

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